Friday, June 14, 2019

Youth Homelessness in Hawaii Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Youth Homelessness in Hawaii - Essay ExampleThis paper has addressed unsettledness amongst the youth in Hawaii, from versatile angles. The paper starts with an introduction to the issue, then face down the historical perspective of homelessness in the United States. This is then followed by a narrowed down approach to homelessness among youths in Hawaii. The causes and the impacts as well as the demographics of the issue have been discussed. The paper ends with an insight into the social manner in which this issue can be approached. In this regard, the atomic number 18nas of social policies have been visited, that is macro, mezzo and micro methods into intervening homelessness. Introduction According to the United Nations and the Conference for European Statisticians (CES) (2009), homelessness can be categorized broadly into two categories Primary homelessness this is also referred to as rooflessness. This refers to the sort out of people who live in the streets without any shel ter that would qualify for a living quarter (United Nations, 2009). Secondary homelessness these are people who have no prevalent residence are usually hopping between different types of accommodation that would cater for them such as homeless institutions. The category also includes those who are in various private aboard but cannot quote a usual address during census (United Nations, 2009). Homelessness, can thus, according to the above two approaches, be defined as the condition of lacking a regular dwelling. Legal definitions of this term are very broad and vary from country to country. Various conditions lead to homelessness with the condition proliferating in the mid 80s due to strenuous economic conditions. Most countries, however, have put in place various measures to cater for the homeless. This is mainly and in form of supplying of basic life commodities as food, clothing and shelter. This is done by community-based organizations through volunteers or through government agencies. According to Basuk & Rosenberg (1988), homelessness was a prevalent issue in The United States in the 80s. In their article, they acknowledged presence of about a third of the homeless living in America. Despite these alarming figures, little was know in terms of the causes of the situation, consequences, and the antecedents of the problem. According to research, there are so many conditions being faced by the homeless that are still unmet. This paper focuses on homelessness in Hawaii. The paper will focus on the effects of the situation, demographics, economic trends, effects on families, and other related effects, and the social concern at various levels. Homelessness in Hawaii There has been a large increase in the number of homeless youth in Hawaii. The issue has trickled to Honolulu, a major metropolis in tourism. The increase in the number of homeless people in Hawaii has led to a major outcry from concerned groups such as the church, public service, leaders of the community and the general public. Incidentally, the issue of homeless people in Hawaii is slowly becoming a public issue considering the amply rates of publicity that its facing. Such continual cycles of homelessness within the youth in Hawaii is leading to deteriorating behaviors and a rise in crimes. It is a behavior that inflicts on youth in such a manner that one may find some running away from their homes due to the various problems. There are more detrimental effects of homelessness to the community such as increase in insecurity, and poor health and sanitation. It is a common factor to see homeless youth living in sewer lines (Kidd, 2006). Social personnel have the liability of abating this situation through looking into various solutions such as safe and sound housing, access to health care, and maybe try to unite some of the homeless with their families, where

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